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I have a very deep empathy towards all life. Especially those of animals. As a chef I struggled with the disconnect we have with how exactly that piece of meat got to be on a plate. Often, the journey was terrible for the animal so I only sourced from farmers I know and trusted.

It all starts with the quality of what you start with. Sourcing from 8 different farms is much harder than getting everything from one source. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

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Presentation Matters

You eat with your eyes first. Obviously if somethings looks gross you're not going to want to eat it. This is the same for applications.

This is a dish I made consisting of a shrimp mousse piped inside a hollow cucumber, with stewed mustards seeds, cucumber "air" and watercress. This was a lot of work but the end result is subtle and aesthetically pleasing.

I break down this process more here.

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Focus is paramount when cooking professionally with guests literally paying thousands of dollars for a meal.

Team work, training, discipline, innovation are all just some of the things neccessary when developing an application.These are all things I bring to the table on my first day.